A lot did happen in 2021. We did not only record & release or first EP but also spent a lot of time at home, keeping the distance. Covid is not stopping for musicians, so we took the safe route and let a few rehearsals pass.
However we have sufficient material to consider working on a new EP and had planned (back in Summer) to start recording in December so we could release something early this year. This will take a few more weeks… and Covid is not the only reason. We actually lost our rehearsal room. It seems that the owner of the bunker did sell it or wants to do something different with it. Long story short, we had to pack our bags until the end of January and leave. Thanks to a friend of mine, we found a new home close by and about two weeks ago, we could do all the heavy lifting and are now in a different place, which is very nice, comfortable and cosy. The perfect place to start the next steps in our journey. We did record a few bits and pieces on that Sunday afternoon and will show you the details hopefully next week, after editing is finished. To keep you entertained the whole webpage has been rebuild from the ground up to be more fitting to us and our music.
Let us know, what you think, follow us on social media (we will try to post something at least twice per month) and let’s keep our fingers crossed, that this summer will have more concerts and gigs available for everyone! Stay safe, stay healthy!