The last post on this page is two years old, what happened? Are we still alive? We are, better than ever. 😉 While the last year was a bit tough for me, my health was playing games on me including like four months of downtime in the hospital. I’m good again and Max used the time very well. Gladly I did finish recording the drums before by hiatus and in the mean time, had all the time he needed to record the bass and guitar tracks for the current record. Since I am back we started recording the vocals and at this point of time we should have all the songs with all the basic tracks on disk. Next part will be selecting the best sections, changing the volume levels properly and adding some effects, to make it nice and shiny. We are considering to add some other fancy stuff (other instruments, special sounds, some samples) to have a more diverse sound, but this is even unclear for us at this point.
On top of that we played another gig last week in Wülfrath. Simply went to the open stage event on Saturday and had the chance to play on a nice stage with great sound for ~20-30 minutes and present ourselves. That was quite fun and we got positive feedback afterwards, which is always nice! The easiest way to get informed is currently through Instagram, where we post updates every now and then, you can also see the feed of the reels down below.
As soon as we finished with the record, we will again upload it to most of the streaming services and to bandcamp for you to enjoy! And then we will reach out to many places, to check where and when we can play live. If you want to support us, spread the word, share our updates and donate via PayPal.
See you soon, take care!